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Table 1 Baseline patient characteristics

From: Prediction of postoperative complications after hepatectomy with dynamic monitoring of central venous oxygen saturation


All patients (n = 53)


70 (63–76)

Sex (male/female)

40: 13


22.3 (20.5–24.7)

ASA (1: 2: 3)

1: 48: 4

Hypertension (%)

15/53 (28.3)

Hyperlipidemia (%)

3/53 (5.7)

Diabetes (%)

12/53 (22.6)

Atrial fibrillation (%)

1/53 (1.9)

Primary disease (HCC: others)

29: 24

PTPE (%)

4/53 (7.5)

History of hepatitis virus infection (HBV: HCV: no)

6: 7: 40

Child–Pugh classification (A: B: C)

52: 1: 0

Liver damage classification (A: B: C)

46: 7: 0

  1. BMI body mass index, ASA American Society of Anesthesiologists, HCC hepatocellular carcinoma, PTPE Percutaneous transhepatic portal vein embolization, HCV hepatitis C virus, HBV hepatitis B virus