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Table 6 Multivariate analysis

From: Prediction of postoperative complications after hepatectomy with dynamic monitoring of central venous oxygen saturation


Low CCI (CCI < 21) (n = 45)

High CCI (CCI ≥ 21) (n = 8)

Multivariate analysis p-value

Odds ratio

95% CI

CLR (< 9.7: 9.7 ≤)

25: 20

1: 7


Operative method (< H1: H2 ≤)

41: 4

5: 3


Intraoperative bleeding (mL) (< 240: 240 ≤)

25: 20

1: 7


ΔScvO2 (< 10: 10 ≤)

34: 11

2: 6




  1. Continuous data are presented as median (interquartile range), whereas categorical data are shown as number of patients. Significant p-values are in boldface
  2. CCI Comprehensive complication index, CLR C-reactive protein-to-lymphocyte ratio, ΔScvO2 central venous oxygen saturation fluctuation