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Table 3 The estimated lead times for patients whom premedication transited beyond the stomach

From: The transit of oral premedication beyond the stomach in patients undergoing laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: a retrospective observational multicentre study

Proportions (%) of patients with transit of medication beyond the stomach

Estimated lead time (95%CI)


232 (180 ‒ 310)


250 (220 ‒ NAa)


270 (245 ‒ NAa)


310 (250 ‒ NAa)


365 (NA ‒ NAa)

  1. aThe upper value of the confidence interval for 85%–95% proportions cannot be calculated because of the sparse data in the last part of the lead time. Only four patients remained without determination (transit or non-transit of premedication) after 300 minutes